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Update on Gate Maintenance

Jul 31

hand holding remote

Improved reception: Residents mentioned poor transmit range and having to drive right up on the gate. Mike and I inspected it last month. We found the radio receiver module was literally falling apart due to age and the antenna connection was loose. A new module and antenna were ordered. Mike installed it on 7/28 and the difference is evident. He was able to open the gate as far as 30 feet before the kiosk.


Replacement of the panel is proving to be a challenge. We've called several Doorking dealers/installers and it's near impossible to get a return call for a quote. The plan is to replace the aging panel and look at updates that include a cellular dialer, replace bollards, fix the message board, etc. If you have any resources to help make this happen, please email


Reminder: If you're using a cell phone for the gate, I recommend that you enter the phone number 209-763-5291 into your contacts as "Front Gate."


Gate codes: All temporary gate codes have been removed as of 7/22. Public safety has access using their "Knox box" key. Everyone should have a remote control. If you need a remote, send a message via the WCSD website.


SAFETY TIP: Are you getting a random caller from the gate? Please verify who you are letting into the neighborhood, and press '9' to open the gate. All gate admits from the directory are logged.


If you need to register for the gate, here is the link:

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