How to Use the Front Gate Kiosk
When a guest comes to visit you, they will look up your name in a resident directory (located on the LCD display or on a separate printed directory to provide guests with the resident directory information). Your DIRECTORY CODE will be shown next to your name. Your guest will enter this code on the telephone entry system keypad that will place a call to your home (If your guest already knows YOUR specific directory code, they can simply enter the code on the keypad without having to look up your name in the resident directory). Some telephone entry systems are equipped with a “CALL” button. When your name is displayed on the LCD screen in the resident directory, the guest can press the CALL button to place a call to your home. A guest CANNOT enter your telephone number on the keypad, it MUST be the DIRECTORY CODE ONLY!
Granting or Denying Access to your Guest: Once you have answered the phone call and you have identified your guest, you have the choice to either grant access or deny access to your guest.
Touch-Tone Phones ONLY.
To GRANT ACCESS to your guest, press 9 on your touch‐tone telephone. The telephone entry system will respond with a confirmation tone indicating that the door or gate is opening and will automatically disconnect itself. Some newer telephones emit a very short duration tone when the number is pressed. If your telephone does this, you may have to press the “GRANT ACCESS NUMBER” twice in rapid succession to open the door or gate.
To DENY ACCESS to your guest, press the “#” key on your touch‐tone telephone.
The Front Gate Kiosk has a scrolling LCD display Instruction Message and a printed Instruction Message on the lower left side front of the Display. Both Instruction Messages show how to operate the system (locating and calling the resident that they wish to visit). The system utilizes an “A” and “Z” scroll buttons that a guest will use to locate the resident that they are wishing to visit. Pushing the “A” button will cause the resident directory to scroll up, pushing the “Z” button causes the resident directory to scroll down. Holding these buttons down will cause the system to scroll or page through the resident directory rapidly. Resident names are listed in the resident directory alphabetically.
The LCD electronic directory displays resident names and their respective directory code on a single line.
1. If the guest knows the resident’s directory code, they can simply enter it on the system keypad to place a call.
2. If the guest does not know the resident’s directory code, they must check the directory and find the code assigned to the person they wish to visit.
Guests use the “A” and “Z” buttons to locate the name in the directory. Once the residents name is displayed, the guest presses the “CALL” button, and the system will connect to the resident’s telephone. The guest may also enter the directory code on the keypad to place the call.