Board Meetings
Board Meetings will be held at Tri-Lakes Community Center, 8201 Wards Ave, Wallace CA 95254
Meetings may also be attend via Zoom. See Meeting for details.
California Government Code GOV § 54954.2 (2): For a meeting occurring on and after January 1, 2019, of a legislative body of a city, county, city and county, special district, school district, or political subdivision established by the state that has an Internet Web site, the following provisions shall apply: (A) An online posting of an agenda shall be posted on the primary Internet Web site homepage of a city, county, city and county, special district, school district, or political subdivision established by the state that is accessible through a prominent, direct link to the current agenda. The direct link to the agenda shall not be in a contextual menu; however, a link in addition to the direct link to the agenda may be accessible through a contextual menu.
Our Board Meetings are held at the Tri-Lakes Church, 8201 Wards Ave Wallace CA 95254 or you may attend the meeting via zoom